Well dear readers, these are the last two sheets of the earliest sketches that I could find. This first set is of some of my pencils of Bernard, Tom's HUMUNGOUS wife and all round lovely cook type woman.
At this stage, she was almost complete, I think the only major change we made was to enlarge and round off her bottom jaw line.
The main illo has a tiny homage to the Hellraiser films, an assortment of butchering knives hanging from her belt. I've always had a problem with the characters eating their friends(ie, cows, pigs and sheep etc!) I doubt we'd do that in the animation.
Another crazy thing I've just noticed is that Bernie has currant eyes (the bane of all greetings cards illustrators fact fans!) Her and Flossie were the only ones with eyes like this, whereas the rest of them have the classic, whites around their pupils. Mad eh?

This is it then, the last one! One last set of Tom's (funny how we concentated so much on Tom, but hardly anything else on the others!) Like the Bernie illo's above, we'd almost got him ready for the outside world, all he needed was a tiny bit more refinement and off he goe's!
Quite a few sheep illos on here as well, I like sheep...sheep are funny and soooo easy to draw. One of my all time favourite strips was of the sheep being sheared and then getting their wool knitted into wooly jumpers which they had to wear! All very silly!
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