Tis the season to be jolly!! Slighty christmassy feel here but I managed to dig out the comic strip sequence I was wittering on about in an earlier post. I don't know why but we seemed to have a fasination with anything mechanical. Tom had tank for a tractor, the rabbits flew in a rocket machine, Odd made submarines and time machines and even Santa sacked his reindeer for the latest Turbo Sleigh (c).
The panel with the dippy mouse is one of my least favourite drawings I did for the strip, it always reminds me of those really duff greetings cards you find at outdoor market stalls, the one your ancient gran gets you for your birthday with a fiver slipped inside to get yourself 'something nice dear'
The final panel with Santa on the moped is based on an old illustration I did for a comic strip called 'Mad Mags' It was about an old lady lollipop woman who lived in a dream world where she was a female Mad Max. I painted a panel where all these mutant bikers were about to get her and in a corner for a laugh, I painted a fat mutant geezer in full body armour riding to death and glory on a tiny red moped, still makes me giggle today. (Very sad)
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