Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rufus Voice test

This test, animated by Matt, uses a short audio clip of Nick Frost in Hot Fuzz.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Big Breakfast

Hello there me dearies! Many apologies for my utter lack of posts, I could bore you with tales of having to take a certain Ring on a dangerous journey to the land of Morder, where I should cast it into the mouth of Mount Doom to save all of the North East of England....but I'd be lying. Truth is I've had a shed load of freelance work on which I'd started before our trip to fair Annecy and have just about finished as I type!

No matter though as the crew at Qurios Towers have been beavering away like a ...erm...pack of beavers doing some sterling work on the Farm and its characters! Well done you lot!

Here's something that I finally managed to finish...the character was done many a moon back and at last he's been placed in all his glory where he belongs....ON A BOX OF THE FABLED CEREAL 'NUK'EMS'!

Niel and and I did a couple of the newspaper strips where the gang were sat at the breakfast table and for some reason I did boxes of Nuk'Em cereal. Of course, it was all Black and White in those days (they hadn't invented colour yet), I seem to remember having a tiny character of me on the box instead of our new full colour hero, Captain Nuke.

I was heavily influenced by the works of genius of a certain Mr Dunn who's cereal boxes where a definate 'inspiration' for me. I love the way he managed to get the 'yellowy' retro look. Anyway, this box is for you Mr D! Stand up Sir and take a bow!.....(Don't sue me.....)

Who knows.....I may post something new in another year or so!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Farmageddon - the book

Want to know more about the origins of Farmageddon? Well now you can! We've put together our first collection of comic strips, available for the first time ever! Over 100 pages of madness! Click on the button below the image to buy your very own copy!
Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Friday, September 07, 2007

More Tractor Tom-foolery

Following on from the earlier tests Ciarán has been working on a new version that has helped to determine some of the look for the environment. We have had many discussions on clouds and smoke; the clouds are 2D artwork positioned as required, the smoke is still a particle system but we've tried to make it a simple style that fits in with the comic origins of the show. We like it but what do you think???